Thursday, October 01, 2015

Evangelical leaders launch campaign to promote animal welfare, including in agriculture

The Humane Society of the United States has teamed up with evangelical Christian leaders to launch Every Living Thing, an initiative "to educate people in the pews on a biblical imperative to take care of animals, including in agriculture," Philip Brasher reports for Agri-Pulse. Top evangelical scholars and pastors released a statement that "doesn't take positions on any policy issues but does call 'for the protection and preservation of all the kinds of animals God has created, while prioritizing human needs.'”

"Every Living Thing, which is run by a Christian consulting firm, the Clapham Group, will sponsor events promoting discussions about animal stewardship," Brasher writes. Humane Society president and CEO Wayne Pacelle said in a blog post, “The plan is to appeal to evangelical leaders throughout the nation to sign on to the statement so that we can develop a consensus among Christians on the need for human responsibility toward animals."

The statement, "which cites numerous Bible passages, makes clear that it is OK to eat animal products and that humans 'have a greater worth' than animals," Brasher writes. "However, the statement says God entrusted animals to 'our responsible rule. So while animals have been given into our hand and our food this does not mean we can treat them as objects or act cruelly towards them.'” (Read more)

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