Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Freshman rural Democrats seek share of stimulus

Twenty House Democratic freshmen who represent primarily rural districts want rural America to have its share of the stimulus plan coming to Congress. "A significant amount of any economic recovery package has to be invested in rural areas, Rep. Betsy Markey and 19 of her colleagues said in a letter today to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi," reports Robert Moore of The Coloradoan in Fort Collins.

"The infrastructure of rural economies is in crisis," the Democrats said. "The economic recovery and reinvestment plan must invest significantly in maintaining and upgrading infrastructure in rural and other distressed communities, which will create local jobs. Among other viable options, the quality of life in rural America can be improved by expanding broadband technology, public transportation, and water and sewage systems."

The letter stemmed from a report by Democratic Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina, which called for the need to include rural areas in any economic stimulus. (Read more) View the letter and signers here.

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