Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wild bees may hold the key to future pollination

"Honeybees across the country are dying by the millions due to colony collapse disorder and other environmental factors, causing many growers of fruits, nuts and vegetables to wonder how their future crops will be pollinated," reports the Environmental News Service. "A study released today shows that wild bees, which are not affected by the deadly disorder, may become a pollination alternative."

The study was conducted by Julianna Tuell and and Rufus Isaacs of Michigan State University and John Ascher of the American Museum of Natural History on blueberry farms in Michigan. "Using traps and direct observation, the researchers identified 166 bee species, 112 of which were active during the blueberry blooming period," writes ENS.

Other potential fruits that are visited by many of the bees in the study are cherries, apples, and cranberries. By supporting habitats for wild bees farmers may be able to avoid the disastrous effects of dwindling honeybee populations. (Read more)

1 comment:

  1. Once more, man's seeming ingenuity has been trumped by nature's design. One has to wonder what's next since we have altered so many things in nature.
