Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Columnist: Obama out of touch with Main Street

The team of economic advisers assembled by President Obama is woefully out of touch with Main Street, America, says a rural; business. "Operating a business on Main Street is a lot different than lecturing at the Harvard Economic Club," Richmond, Ky.-based Don McNay writes on The Huffington Post. "The team President Obama surrounded himself with has spent way more time in a faculty lounge than in the corner barber shop. "

McNay writes that those on Main Street knew from Day One that the Obama team wouldn't understand the problems of regular Americans. He says there is nothing in their backgrounds to suggest they would. "I don’t blame the people Obama appointed," McNay writes. "I blame the guy who appointed them."

"We have not had change on the economic front because Obama chose his advisers from the same bunch of Wall Street and Washington insiders that George W. Bush chose from," McNay writes. To solve the U.S. economic plight, McNay advocates forming policies based on Main Street interests. Only then, he says, can Americans see the change they were promised during the presidential campaign. (Read more)

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