Thursday, December 06, 2012

Gun-control advocates say Obama will carry their water in his second term

Gun-control advocates say they expect the Obama administration to start pushing more gun control in the coming months, Brian Hughes of The Washington Examiner reports. President Obama largely avoided the issue during his re-election bid, saying only that he would not remove Second Amendment freedoms. Now gun-control advocates, one of whom has discussed the matter with Obama aides, say he will become more vocal about guns in 2013. They want assault-weapon bans, mandatory background checks for all gun buyers and closed private-sale loopholes. (AP photo by Julio Cortez: guns seized in New Jersey)

Gun sales hit record levels after Obama was elected in 2008, even though didn't call for additional restrictions in his first campaign. Sales jumped again after his re-election, as many gun advocates and owners peddled fears that he would limit their right to bear arms. Gun-control proponents told Hughes they hope their efforts will gain more support after the movie-theater shooting in Aurora, Colo. last summer and the murder-suicide involving a professional football player last week.

"I am certain Obama thinks our gun laws are insane, and he doesn't ever have to run for office again," Coalition to Stop Gun Violence spokesman Ladd Everitt told Hughes. He said White House aides have privately told control advocates that Obama will take on the issue in his second term. The White House has officially said that the president intends to protect gun rights while making it harder for criminals to get guns. (Read more)

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