Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Evolution disbelievers and Texas educators battle over proposed high-school biology textbooks

"Evolution proponents and critics clashed Tuesday over proposed Texas high-school biology books that point to Charles Darwin’s theory as the only logical explanation for the origin of humans and other life forms on Earth," Terrence Stutz reports for the Dallas Morning News. "The arguments came during a public hearing on 429 science, math and technology textbooks and e-books that will be used in Texas public schools beginning in fall 2014. That includes 15 biology books. But most of the debate during the 3½-hour textbook hearing centered on evolution coverage in high school biology books and whether students should be encouraged to question Darwin’s basic principles." (Associated Press photo by Eric Gay: Evolution supporters outside the Texas State Board of Education)

Southern Methodist University anthropology professor Ronald Wetherington was one of the 28 educators and experts who reviewed the biology books, Stutz writes. "He said social conservatives who were on the textbook reviewer teams made 'false claims' about the books to try to force publishers to water down evolution coverage." But Ide Trotter, a retired business dean of Dallas Baptist University, who also reviewed the books, criticized them for not including recent "evidence" that he said undermines the theory of evolution. Trotter said at the meeting: “In these books, the student is told that every scientific test supports the theory of evolution. Nothing could be further from the truth."

State Board of Education members "are scheduled to adopt new textbooks and digital books in November. School districts are not required to buy the adopted books. But most do because they cover most of the state’s required curriculum — and students are tested on those required skills and knowledge," Stutz writes. "As one of the largest textbook purchasers in the nation, Texas has a strong influence on books marketed in other states." (Read more)

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