Monday, April 14, 2014

Group opposing Keystone XL draws line in wheat

The Cowboy and Indian Alliance is sending a message to President Obama urging him to reject the controversial $5.4 billion TransCanada Corp. Keystone XL Pipeline that would carry heavy tar-sands oil across the U.S. The group has created a crop-art image the size of 80 football fields near Neligh, Neb., right in the proposed pipeline path, Mark Hefflinger reports for Bold Nebraska, a citizen advocacy group fighting the project. Last year Republican Gov. Dave Heineman endorsed legislation to allow the pipeline to cross the state, but in February a state court invalidated the decision.

Landowner Art Tanderup told Hefflinger, “This land has been in our family for over 100 years. We have always been stewards of the land. The soil is very sandy here; any leak would leach into the Ogallala Aquifer, contaminating our water without any concrete plan to clean up the pollution. With this crop art we are literally drawing a line in the sand and asking President Obama to stand with our families.”

Artist John Quigley told Hefflinger, “Americans always go big when they’re pushed to their limits. This image, which may well be the largest crop art ever, sends the message that the good people of the Heartland have the courage to stand up for their rights to clean water. They reject the bullying of TransCanada and will defend their land." (Read more) (The proposed pipeline goes across several states, including Nebraska)

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