Friday, July 25, 2014

U.S. leads the 20 most developed nations in denying climate change and humans' role in it, polls find

Among residents of the 20 most developed nations, Americans are most likely to deny the existence of climate change. A poll by Ipsos MORI, a market-research firm based in England, also found that Americans are most likely to disagree with the emerging scientific consensus that climate change is largely the result of human activity, Brandon Baker reports for EcoWatch.

U.S. respondents were also tied for first with India in agreeing that the climate change we are currently seeing is a natural phenomenon that happens from time to time, and were first in disagreeing with the belief that we are headed for an environmental disaster unless we change our habits.

The study polled 16,000 people in the U.S., China, Argentina, Italy, Spain, Turkey, France, India, Brazil, Belgium, South Korea, South Africa, Sweden, Germany, Canada, Japan, Poland, Russia, Australia and Great Britain. (Read more) (Ipsos MORI graphic)

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