Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Photographer captures urbanites who have given up city life for remote, isolated sustainability

A photographer in Europe has captured a unique lifestyle, traveling the country to visit people who have taken rural, remote and isolation to extreme terms. "In his series entitled "Scrublands," photographer Antoine Bruy focuses on people across Europe who have abandoned their busy city lives for a self-sufficient lifestyle in remote, rural areas, often without electricity or running water," Andrea Romano reports for Mashable, A British-American news website. (Bruy photo)

"Bruy spent between three and a half months in each locale, discovering how each person he encountered lived on a personal level," Romano writes. "During his travels, Bruy met people from all walks of life—former city dwellers with run-of-the-mill city jobs, like lawyers and engineers. They all live on crops grown by sustainable farming, homes made of recovered material and animals raised by their very own hands." Bruy hopes his project, which has been in progress since 2010, will eventually lead him to take similar photos in the U.S. (Read more)

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