Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Agriculture Secretary endorses Hillary Clinton, says she would be good for rural America

Tom Vilsack
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Tuesday endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, saying the Democrat is in touch with the needs of rural Americans, Bradford Richardson reports for The Hill. Vilsack,who also endorsed Clinton in 2008, wrote in an editorial for the The Gazette in Cedar Rapids, Iowa: “Too often the discussion of good jobs fails to include the unique challenges faced by rural Americans. Hillary Clinton understands that some of the deepest and most pronounced poverty exists in rural areas of the country.”

"Her strong support for the Renewable Fuel Standard and bio-based manufacturing as important parts of a revitalized rural economy makes clear she will work hard to promote meaningful economic opportunity throughout the country," Vilsack wrote. "Hillary knows the economy of the future depends on a well-educated and trained workforce, and she understands the cost of education—from preschool to college and beyond—increasingly strains family budgets with unprecedented debt. That’s why she’s laid out a specific, workable plan to address these strains and make a good education available to all our children."

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