Monday, December 12, 2016

Health of the States project ranks each state on wide range of health outcomes, interactively

The Health of the States study by the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University and the Urban Institute takes a detailed look at the health of each state. The project, which will include eight reports examining each state, ranks states "on 39 health outcomes and correlations between those health outcomes and 123 determinants of health spanning five domains: health care, health behaviors, social and economic factors, the physical and social environment, and public policies and spending." Stateline map ranks each state by mortality rate, from light (good) to dark (poor); other measures are available. Click here for the interactive version.
The report, whose authors say examines more measures than any previous state comparison, "finds a strong correlation between lower spending on public transportation and higher instances of car accidents, and between adult obesity and deaths related to pneumonia," Michael Ollove reports for Stateline. "It also links a shortage of primary care services to higher rates of deaths related to diabetes, heart disease, stroke and pneumonia and to lower life expectancy." It doesn’t offer explanations for the correlations between the 123 factors.

Reports and other interactive maps in the coming months will focus on life expectancy and mortality; birth outcomes; child and adolescent health; sexually transmitted infections; injury fatalities; adult health status; obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular conditions; cancer, lower respiratory disease, influenza and pneumonia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

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