Tuesday, March 21, 2017

S.D. governor vetoes bill that would repeal law requiring permits for concealed deadly weapons

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard on Friday vetoed two bills to loosen restrictions on firearms, saying current laws are reasonable, Dana Ferguson reports for the Argus Leader in Sioux Falls. One bill would have "let people carry concealed handguns without a permit, the other to allow concealed weapons in the Capitol building." Supporters of the bills plan to attempt overrides, which are unlikely since neither bill got two-thirds support.

South Dakota law makes it "a misdemeanor for someone to carry a concealed pistol or to have one concealed in a vehicle without a permit," Ferguson writes. "The Capitol-carry bill would have let people with an enhanced permit bring concealed handguns inside if they registered beforehand with security. There are no metal detectors or other security checks at the Capitol entrances to enforce the current prohibition on most people carrying guns in the building."

Daugaard said in a statement: “As a longtime member of the NRA, I support the right to bear arms. It is paramount that our state protect the rights of our citizens while at the same time protecting the lives of our citizens. I believe our current laws appropriately protect both interests, and I ask that you sustain my veto.”

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