Friday, February 21, 2020

Study notes top 3 reasons rural people are dying off faster than city dwellers; class, insurance and lack of doctors

Rural residents have been dying at a younger age, on average, than their urban counterparts since the 1980s, and that gap is widening. Researchers in Texas name the top three reasons why in a recently published study: socioeconomic status, lack of health insurance, and a shortage of physicians.

"Scott Phillips of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center co-authored the study, published late last year, which found that those three factors accounted for just over 80 percent of the difference between rural and urban mortality rates," Jeremy Fugleberg reports for Inforum, an online partnership between The Forum newspaper and TV station WDAY in Fargo, North Dakota.

Living in a rural county doesn't automatically mean you're at a higher risk of dying sooner, but "it means you're more likely to grapple with the factors that get in the way of good health care," Fugleberg reports. "The study actually indicates without such hurdles, rural residents would have a lower mortality rates than those who live in urban areas." Only three states had higher mortality rates in urban counties than rural counties: Colorado, Montana and Wyoming.

1 comment:

  1. Does it really center on being 'rural' so much? Granted in the city healthcare facilities are closer, but not anymore 'affordable'. Ask the millions of homeless, or the underemployed or terminally ill who have mortgaged their lives just to have a family member out-live their disease?
    Enough of the b s, the US is now the second highest 'place' to hide from paying taxes other than the 'Cayman Island's' . All since Trumpy, what a toxic situation for an ever-growing country of two types of shoveling. First, those who have billions if not trillions of taxpayer monies shoveled as tax cuts or grants or just plain and simple corporate/bank welfare.....see Wall Street on Parade' a newsletter with spine. Second, a shovel for those now labeled unworthy of -people with rights --status (after paying decades of taxes as did their parents before them'...Who gives a damn the elite 1% want it all and if millions --billions simply disappears (starve) and die---how accommodating.....what? I mean give reality a bit of a break --8 Middle Eastern wars to 'regime change''resources corporate-ownership and thus distribution---the 2008 Global Fraud gain of trillions and more coming to establish once and for all ---who (1%) breath--eat--and---swill ---kill to their the absolute expense of those who --learnt, worked--suffered---and paid for every damn thing polluted and built in the entire US of A.
