Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Rural voters' approval rating for Trump's job performance is 53%, according to Zogby poll done for Progressive Farmer

A recent poll of rural American voters shows that just over half (53%) approve of President Trump's job performance, including how he's handling the pandemic, and 50% plan to vote for him—a lead of 18 percentage points over Democratic challenger Joe Biden, Dan Miller reports for DTN/The Progressive Farmer. The poll also provides a snapshot into rural voters' lives and what they care about most in the election.

"Support for the president is strongest in the critical Central Great Lakes region of the United States (55% of rural adults support him there), among those 65 years of age and older (60% support him), rural white people (55%) and married rural adults (57%)," Miller reports. Meanwhile, 42% of respondents somewhat or strongly disapprove of the president's job performance.

Here are some other findings, which Miller also discusses in this piece. Among respondents:
  • 40% identify as Republicans, but 49% say they'll vote for Republicans in congressional races.
  • 23% identify as Democrats, but 31% say they'll vote for Democrats in congressional races.
  • 62% said the strength of the economy is the issue that will most influence their vote; 48% said health care, and 39% said protection of Second Amendment rights.
  • Health care is the top issue for rural Democrats, with 64% saying it's the most important factor in their vote. That's the only demographic where health care has a significant edge over other issue. They are also the only rural demographic that considers climate change one of the top issues: 48% said it's important, compared to 27% overall.
  • 11% said they're undecided about their choice for president.
  • 29% are farmers or have family members who farm.
  • 39% said agriculture is worse off than it was four years ago; 23% said it's better off, and 17% are undecided.
  • Republicans (40%) and Southerners (29%) are more likely than other groups to believe agriculture is better off.
  • 56% of farmers believe Trump's trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada have led to higher income potential for their farm.
  • 59% said their farm would be struggling if not for direct federal aid given because of the pandemic and the trade war.

The DTN/Progressive Farmer Zogby Analytics Election poll surveyed 1,008 adults in rural counties and 120 completed surveys from the Progressive Farmer subscriber list; the margin of error is 2.9%. The article includes more details on respondents' demographics and political affiliations. Click here to read more findings from the poll.

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