Friday, February 05, 2021

Report shows Ky. papers provide essential public service at a trying time, especially for them; let's hear from other states

By Al Cross
Director and professor, Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, University of Kentucky

In December, as the first coronavirus vaccines were being approved, the Commonwealth of Kentucky bought advertising in most Kentucky newspapers to get Kentuckians ready for the vaccination process. The $281,184 expense was a modest one, among billions of dollars in federal relief money that came to the state, but it was a timely boon for the newspapers. They were suffering from the double whammy of social-media competition followed by a pandemic that eroded even more of their ad revenue.

That ad order was also a recognition: that newspapers are still a good way to reach a large number of people with a broadly important message. And it could also be seen as a reward: for the newspapers’ performance in the pandemic. In perhaps the most challenging year for newspapers in their history, the community papers of Kentucky came through for Kentuckians.

When Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear issued a mask mandate,
the Bourbon County Citizen signified it as only a newspaper can.
They published special editions devoted to the pandemic. They told the stories of people affected and anguished by it. They published tributes to front-line local heroes. They served as trusted sources of information about a subject that became scientifically confusing and politically contentious. They helped readers separate fact from fiction, and they held public officials accountable.

Despite their financial squeeze, the newspapers took down paywalls, gave discounts to seniors and businesses, and kept sending papers to people who couldn’t pay their subscription bill, said Jeff Jobe, outgoing president of the Kentucky Press Association and publisher of seven weeklies in Southern Kentucky. His papers also made their body type larger to help seniors spending more time at home.

At Jeff's request, I produced a report about Kentucky newspapers' performance during the pandemic, which you can read here. There may have been similar efforts in other states, but we haven't heard of them. If there haven't been, there should be. As a headline in the report says, newspapers have shown that they remain the best sources of essential local information. They haven't always done the best job of marketing that brand, and now's a good time to do it.

UPDATE, Feb. 22: Tom Silvestri of The Relevance Project, an effort by state newspaper association managers, recommends that all associations produce such a report.

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