Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Weekly editors urges weeklies to send front pages to Newseum Thursday, promote community journalism

More than 900 newspaper front pages from 90 countries are available for viewing every day on Newseum. But few community newspapers are represented, notes Chad Stebbins, executive director of the International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors. That's why ISWNE is urging community newspapers to send their front pages to Newseum on Thursday, in honor of the birthday of legendary Kansas community journalist Huck Boyd.

"We are doing this because the Newseum has a terrible record on the topic of community journalism," Stebbins said in a email. "We hope to get some good publicity out of this and raise the awareness of community journalism."

Pages can be emailed to Participants are also asked to email ISWNE member Steve Thurston at heraldtrib@GMAIL.COM so that he can get a count of how many newspapers take part.

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