Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tennessee Senate passes anti-meth bill that sets lower limits than recently passed House bill

The Tennessee Senate passed an anti-methamphetamine bill Tuesday night that sets lower monthly and yearly limits than the one passed last week by the House. The Senate bill limits monthly purchases of pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in making meth, to 4.8 grams, and in one year to 14.4 grams. The House bill set limits of 5.8 and 28.8 grams.

Under the House bill, the number of tablets that can be purchased without a prescription is limited to 48 per month and 240 per year. The big difference in the Senate bill is that the yearly limit is 120 tablets, a number favored by Gov. Bill Haslam. He is a Republican, and the GOP controls both legislative chambers. (Read more)

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