Friday, January 17, 2025

Less for more: Grocery prices have increased 25% since 2019, according to an NPR analysis

Two hundred dollars on groceries used to mean you could eat very well. Now, going to the grocery store seems to come with a punch to your bank account at the checkout counter.

Over the past six years, NPR’s Alina Selyukh has been tracking Walmart’s prices to analyze just how much the cost os groceries has increased.

“Compared to 2019, prices on my list, on average, rose 25%... And that's not far from federal inflation data: Cumulatively, U.S. prices are up 23% since 2019,” according to Selyukh, who attributed the majority of price increases to issues related to COVID. “The pandemic shifts were seismic.”

While a Walmart representative wrote in a statement to NPR that the company is “committed to providing an Every Day Low Price experience both in stores and online," it has had to keep up with increases in shipping and manufacturing costs leading to a higher total at the checkout counter, wrote Selyukh and NPR's Juweek Adolphe.

Shipping cost increases led to more expensive fertilizer and paper for packaging, for example. Also, “U.S. companies are paying higher import fees — and passing some of that cost on to shoppers,” Selyukh and Apolphe wrote.

Not only are the items in the shopping cart growing more expensive, but Selyukh and Apolphe have noticed reductions in the quantity of some items. “Tide liquid laundry detergent now comes in a smaller container — 84 ounces instead of 100 ounces — but costs $1 more,” they wrote.

Earth's methane levels began to spike in 2020; a new study may have uncovered the 'culprit.'

Wetlands and cow stomachs have similar
environments. (Adobe Stock photo)
In 2020, Earth's methane levels started to climb the charts at an inexplicable rate, putting the planet on a crash course with greenhouse gases that could eventually heat oceans and land to life-threatening temperatures, reports Shannon Osaka of The Washington Post. Researchers have been baffled by the cause -- until now. Scientists say a study released last month reveals why methane levels are spiking.

"The culprits, scientists believe, are microbes — the tiny organisms that live in cows’ stomachs, agricultural fields and wetlands," Osaka writes. "That could mean a dangerous feedback loop — in which these emissions cause warming that releases even more greenhouse gases — is already underway."

Sylvia Michel, lead author of the paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, told Osaka, "The changes that we saw in the last couple of years — and even since 2007 — are microbial." Oska adds. "The new paper points to microbes as the biggest source of the methane spike."

In clarifying the source of rising methane levels, the study ruled out fossil fuels and geological causes. Stanford University professor Rob Jackson, who is part of the Global Methane Budget, explained how cow stomachs and swampy places are alike. He told Osaka, "Methane forms biologically in warm, wet, low-oxygen environments. The wetlands of a rice paddy and the gut of the cow are all similar.”

Microbe methane output may be a chemical reaction to a warming planet. Osaka reports, "Michel says it’s too early to say whether this is the beginning of a vicious cycle. 'Are these coming from human-caused changes in freshwater systems, or are they a kind of scary climate feedback?' she said. 'I want to be careful about what we can and cannot say with this data.'"

An FDA proposed rule would force food manufacturers to add a 'nutritional info box' to the front of their packaging

The 'nutritional info box' would focus on saturated
fat, sodium and added sugars.
Warning labels for grocery items with salt, added sugar or saturated fat may become the federal government's newest tool aimed at educating U.S. consumers about their grocery choices. "Under a new rule proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, food manufacturers would be required to put new labels on the front of packages flagging key nutrition information," reports Jesse Newman of The Wall Street Journal. The current administration believes bold labeling could help Americans make healthier food choices.

Most packaged foods sold in the U.S. already have nutritional information on the back or side of the box. "The new labels, dubbed a 'nutrition info box,' would go on the front of packages," Newman explains. The box would flag foods as "high, medium or low in salt, added sugar and saturated fat, which the FDA has warned can lead to chronic diseases when consumed in excess."

Most food companies oppose labeling foods with warnings, "The Consumer Brands Association, which represents big food manufacturers, said the rule doesn’t reflect the latest research," Newman reports. "The group said studies show the most effective labels include calories and nutrients to encourage, along with nutrients to limit."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is the incoming Trump administration's prospective next head of U.S. health policy, "has been outspoken about his view that U.S. food companies are partly to blame for sickening Americans," Newman writes. "Consumer advocacy groups and public health organizations cheered the rule." Some groups hope the Trump administration will support more specific labeling, which is used in Chile and Mexico.

The FDA is accepting public comments on its proposal until May 16. Newman adds, "If the rule is finalized after that, food manufacturers would be required to add the new labels to most packaged food products three to four years after it takes effect."

Food industry groups warned they could sue to overturn labeling mandates. Newman adds, "Such labels, they said, could threaten First Amendment rights — because companies could consider them a form of forced speech — and only Congress has the authority to require them."

Depite U.S. fireseason extremes, wildland firefighters eye deep paycuts as they wait for Congress to act

Wildland firefighters often deal with tremendous heat,
extreme weather and treacherous terrain. (Adobe Stock photo)
Federal firefighters work in heat, wind, fire, smoke and unpredictable weather. Despite their dedication to public safety, most wildland firefighters face deep pay cuts unless Congress intervenes, writes Robin Verble for The Conversation. "Continued uncertainty regarding federal pay and benefits, coupled with mental health risks and seasonal financial strain, make this a precarious time for wildland firefighters."

Roughly four years ago, Congress approved a "temporary retention bonus of $20,000 a year or 50% of the firefighter’s base pay, whichever amount was smaller," Verble explains. "However, wildland firefighters are still waiting for that raise to be codified." If Congress allows the pay raise to expire, "many firefighters will lose large percentages of their income. . . .These aren’t high-paying jobs. The starting pay is as low as $15 per hour."

The pay policies embedded in the "federal wildland fire system also incentivize overworking," Verble writes. "With starting pay so low, many wildland firefighters end up working an average of over 600 hours of overtime annually to pay their bills. . . . Many federal firefighters are temporary seasonal employees, so they need to reapply for positions every year."

When asked about federal firefighters' low pay, Tania Daffron, assistant fire chief for Bloomington, Ind., told The Rural Blog, "Fighting for decent wages is ridiculous, regardless of jurisdiction. Federal departments should be leading the way. No wonder personnel transfer or leave this 'ultra-hazardous' profession."

The U.S. Forest Service is grappling with constant employee turnover. "Over the past three years, 45% of the USFS wildland firefighting workforce has quit," Verble adds. "Retaining experienced firefighters amid longer and worsening fire seasons will require policymakers to improve health care, pay and the organizational structure itself, including how firefighters are hired and retained. Yet, the federal government continues to delay taking action."

Quick hits: Fast food's big-priced burgers; last-mile broadband; mapping the universe; the 'Siberian Express'

Once upon a time, fast food burgers were budget-
friendly. (Adobe Stock photo)

Fast food: reliable, tasty, cheap and right around the corner... or so you thought. While fast food is readily available, your bank account might not be prepared for the ever-increasing prices for the simplest of meals. "Late last year, customers labeled several popular restaurants as "overpriced," "expensive," and a "rip-off" in a national survey," said Megan Schaltegger for Delish. With the most expensive fast food basic burger ringing in at $12.89, the idea of cheap may have gone out the drive-through window.

U.S. farmers have the stinky and expensive job of managing "the hundreds of billions of pounds of waste produced by America’s dairy cows," reports Kenny Torrella of Vox. "Biodigesters," also known as "biogas," are the so-called panacea some farmers are using to turn cow poop into energy profits. However, "biodigester critics say that, at best, the process is a costly and inefficient use of America’s precious climate funding."

E-BRIDGE will help last-
mile projects. (A.S. photo)

Attract new business, support what already exists, and broaden the economic scope for communities. These are what are to come with increased broadband access in rural areas that was recently signed into law. “The E-BRIDGE Act removes hurdles for broadband projects under Economic Development Administration grants, including difficult last-mile efforts that often delay rural broadband deployment,” wrote Justin Harclerode in the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee’s press release. Luckily the Act has been gaining support since its introduction on March 23, 2023. “In some cases, just completing that ‘last mile’ is what stands in the way of connecting people to a job they need. The E-BRIDGE Act will help spur projects that attract jobs and businesses to expand economic development and opportunity in rural and poor communities,” said Chairman Sam Graves.

Siberia is vast and frigid.
(Wikipedia photo)
A blast from "the coldest place on earth is set to blanket much of the U.S. . . temperatures could fall even lower than the previous round of cold," reports Tyne Morgan of Farm Journal. "We’re bracing for what’s called the 'Siberian Express.' What exactly is the Siberian Express? It’s when arctic air spills into the U.S., and it can have multiple sources, including Arctic Canada, Alaska, and in this case, Russia’s Siberia region, which is home to the coldest place on earth.

During his presidential term, Jimmy Carter had solar panels installed on the White House roof. He wanted the country to embrace a national energy plan based on conservation. While his vision did not come to pass -- Ronald Reagan had the panels removed in 1986 -- the life of the solar panels continued, reports Austyn Gaffney of The New York Times. "They were picked up at a bargain price by a small college in Maine, where they continued to generate power for years, and eventually ended up scattered around the United States and China. . ." 

It may look like a giant trumpet, but NASA's SPHEREx will create a colorful and dynamic
map of the universe. (NASA photo via The Conversation)

Space exploration fans around the globe will be treated to "a slate of exciting space missions in 2025," reports Zhenbo Wang for The Conversation. "NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative aims to deliver science and technology payloads to the Moon using commercial landers. . . . .NASA has several CLPS missions planned, including deliveries by companies Astrobotic, Intuitive Machines and Firefly Aerospace. In February 2025, NASA plans to launch SPHEREx. . . . [It] will create a comprehensive map of the universe by surveying and collecting data on more than 450 million galaxies along with over 100 million stars in the Milky Way."

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Drinking raw milk can cause humans to contract diseases and infections, but the risks may not tell the full story

Maybe raw milk offers something unique.
(Photo by E. Aceron, Unsplash)
Despite raw milk's popularity with some consumers, many dairy experts warn against consuming raw milk products because of bacteria and disease risks. Raw milk proponents believe the benefits of raw milk products outweigh the concerns, reports Moises Velasquez-Manoff of The New York Times. "Should we take them more seriously?"

The U.S. raw milk movement began decades ago in "small, independent health-food stores," Velasquez-Manoff explains. The pandemic heightened interest in raw milk's benefits. "Mark McAfee, who heads Raw Farm in California, told me during the pandemic, people felt abandoned by medical professionals and began researching ways to care for their own immune systems. Many turned to raw milk, which he calls 'the first food of life.'"

Twenty-five years ago, when McAfee started selling raw milk, his customers were mostly "hippie 'nut-and-berry moms' and natural foodies, as he puts it. . . But as his sales have grown — about 30-fold since then, he estimates — his customers have diversified," Velasquez-Manoff explains. Today’s raw milk consumers come from vastly different backgrounds, with reasons for buying raw milk that range from political freedom to nutritional miracles.

American scientists and food nutrition experts have continually warned against drinking unpasteurized dairy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "unpasteurized dairy products are 840 times as likely as their pasteurized counterparts to lead to infection and illness," Velasquez-Manoff reports. The CDC's list of possible adverse health outcomes includes: Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter.

But raw milk research isn't all about potential diseases humans could contract. In fact, recent studies suggest some positive preventative health benefits raw milk consumption might offer. Velasquez-Manoff writes, "There is also a wealth of epidemiological research, most of it from Europe, that suggests that drinking raw milk early in life can protect against the development of asthma and allergies later. . . . The basic notion animating the raw-milk movement — that something good and healthful is lost during processing — may have some validity to it."

While the health risks involved in raw milk consumption lead many dairy experts to adamantly push against drinking it, European studies might point the way toward resolving "what is often called the allergy epidemic," Velasquez-Manoff adds. "Scientists think that if they can identify what’s special about raw milk, and preserve it through treatment that makes it safe, maybe they can turn a widely consumed foodstuff into a powerful tool of preventive medicine."

When residents in a small Indiana town discuss an immigrant welcome center, clashing views take center stage

President-elect Donald Trump promised mass deportations of illegal immigrants would begin during his first 30 days in office. For many residents in the small town of Seymour, Indiana, the expulsions "can't start soon enough," reports Arian Campo-Flores of The Wall Street Journal. "Seymour is one of many cities across the U.S. feeling the effects of a historic wave of immigration, where residents seeking to integrate migrants are clashing with others calling for them to be rooted out and sent home."

Historically, most immigrants who came to Seymour settled peacefully until a proposal for an immigrant welcome center circulated in the spring of 2024. The plan incensed residents who feared the center would bring even more immigrants. "Such residents have complained for years that a flood of unauthorized migrants. . . strained schools, hospitals and housing," Campo-Flores explains. "With President-elect Donald Trump promising to conduct mass deportations . . . . They are organizing opposition to illegal immigration."

Location of Seymour, Ind.
(Wikipedia photo)
Seymour has a population of roughly 22,000 people, many of who have voted Republican for decades. Unemployment is low and jobs are plentiful, making it attractive to migrants who "began arriving in significant numbers in the 1990s," Campo-Flores writes. "For most of the period since, the flow of arrivals was manageable and generated few flashpoints, residents say."

But at the March city council meeting the welcome center proposal "proved to be the spark that ignited simmering frustration over illegal immigration," Campo-Flores adds. "At the meeting, speakers fumed about migrants allegedly failing to assimilate, committing crimes and crowding multiple families into small homes. . . . Republican state Rep. Jim Lucas, who is from Seymour, said at the meeting that the city welcomed immigrants who arrive legally and are properly vetted."

Seymour resident Tim Smallwood supports Trump's planned deportations. Campo-Flores writes, "He thinks the Trump administration should first target unauthorized migrants with criminal records and then pressure other migrants to 'self-deport.' He told Campo-Flores, "It’s the only way they’ll solve this problem. You’ve got to make it hard enough on them that they don’t want to come here in the first place.”

Looking back through history, Americans weren't healthier than they are now. 'The past was actually much worse.'

During many decades in U.S. history, rich men smoked and
heavy alcohol consumption was 'the norm.' (Adobe Stock photo)
The American diet was once dominated by vegetables and dried fruits, but also salted pork and heavy alcohol consumption. Lifestyle practices in the United States have never been particularly healthy. Any models that promote "making America healthy again" aren't taking the country's health history into account, reports Gina Kolata of The New York Times. "The word 'again' presumes a time in the country’s past when Americans were in better health. Was there ever really a time when America was healthier?"

Medicine historians have "a short answer," Kolata writes. "'No,' said Nancy Tomes, a historian at Stony Brook University. . . . John Harley Warner, a historian at Yale, said, 'It’s hard for me to think of a time when America, with all the real health disparities that characterize our system, was healthier.'"

Going back in time, the vision of a more vibrant and healthy America evaporates. Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, "rich men smoked cigarettes and cigars, the poor chewed tobacco. Heavy drinking was the norm," Kolata adds. "Fresh fruits and vegetables were in short supply because they were difficult to ship and because growing seasons were so short. As for protein, Americans were relying on salted pork."

Even when beef became part of the U.S. diet, Americans did not get healthier. Many people were underweight and their health suffered because of it. "The start of the 20th century saw public health improvements (cleaner water, for example, and posters advising parents not to give their babies beer), but the disease was rampant," Kolata reports. "When the 1918 flu struck the nation, no one knew the cause — the flu virus had not been discovered."

During the 1950s and 1960s, the "American pharmaceutical industry pumped out new medical advances: antibiotics, antipsychotics, drugs for high blood pressure and vaccines for tetanus, diphtheria, measles and polio," Kolata writes. "Despite that progress, those years were terrible for health," Dr. Jeremy Greene, a historian at Johns Hopkins University, said, "with 'a tremendous amount of heart attacks and strokes.'. . . In part, that was because nearly everyone smoked."

When it comes to optimum health, the United States is nowhere near the promised land, but the number of smokers has steeply declined while treatments for diseases have multiplied. "Researchers are quick to acknowledge that Americans’ health is not as good as it can be. And they bemoan the huge disparities in health care in this country," Kolata adds. "But, historians say, the past was actually much worse."

Opinion: Gleaning facts can be a 'slippery' business. Even when the truth is messy, 'good journalism offers a way.'

Adobe Stock photo
Getting the facts right may sound like Journalism 110 class, but gathering and verifying a story can be like walking on shifting sands, writes Fergus McIntosh of The New Yorker. "Journalists put more stress on accuracy than ever before. The problem is, accuracy is a slippery idea."

Like many professions, journalism has a before and after social media story. Before Americans became absorbed in Facebook, Twitch, TikTok and podcasts, they listened to and read mainstream media. But once social media siphoned huge audiences, "people stopped paying attention to the news, or decided that they didn’t believe it anymore," McIntosh adds. "This story is not unsupported. Trust in many institutions has fallen over the years, but in journalism, it has plummeted."

Examining how little journalists are trusted, makes "fake news"and the harm it does to the news-consumer trust equation that much more worrisome. "'Many Americans now register displeasure with inaccurate or unverified information on social media, and a majority now think that somebody . . .should do something about it," McIntosh explains. "Despite endemic skepticism and distraction, there is an enduring thirst for reliable information. The question is, where can it be found, and how can its purveyors make themselves heard amid the noise?"

CBS and BBC have branded themselves as singular "purveyors" of the facts using an "'only we can provide accuracy' model," McIntosh writes. "For the first Presidential debate of 2024, The New York Times tasked 29 staffers with combing through the candidates’ statements in real time." Even with aggressive fact-checking, "the provision of facts does not, in itself, engender trust. . . . What is more certain is that, from time to time, every journalist, no matter how well-meaning, gets something wrong, or misses the point."

"Because The New Yorker, like many publications, trades on its reputation for accuracy, readers can easily feel cheated, even betrayed, when an error slips in," McIntosh explains. "In such circumstances, it becomes difficult to know what is true, and, consequently, to make decisions. Good journalism offers a way through, but only if readers are willing to follow. . . . Gaining and holding that trust is hard. But failure is not inevitable. . . . Any solution must acknowledge the messiness of truth, the requirements of attention, the way we squint to see more clearly. It must tell you to say what you mean, and know that you mean it."

Natural disaster recovery is harder for rural schools. Early preparation and strategies ensure students keep learning.

Early planning is key to  rural school disaster
strategies. (Photo by D. Leon, Unsplash)
When natural disasters strike rural schools, many struggle for months to find and implement recovery resources. "Fortunately, there are solutions," writes Lee Ann Rawlins Williams for The Conversation. "Based on my professional research on emergency preparedness – and my experience working in educational settings – I’ve identified several strategies that may help."

Unlike their urban counterparts, rural schools have "unique disaster challenges," including a "lack of access to temporary sites for classes after a disaster, weaker local funding streams, and student transportation struggles," Williams explains. With those issues in mind, "preparing for a disaster in a rural area should occur earlier and take into account the specific needs of the community."

Developing a practical rural school natural disaster plan can begin with these strategies:
  • Plan to teach with learning materials that "do not require internet access," Williams suggests. "I have found that many teachers focus on electronic resources, such as smartphones and Apple watches, and overlook the use of old-fashioned methods."

  • Remember that mobile technology can help bridge learning disruption gaps. "If [cell phone] service is available, students and teachers can communicate by phone," Williams explains. "When internet access is unavailable, schools can use mobile learning hubs. These are vehicles equipped with Wi-Fi, computers and other educational tools. These mobile hubs can travel to rural areas to provide students with access to digital resources."

  • Use an adaptive and flexible school work model. Williams adds, "After Hurricane Helene downed power lines and closed roads in Beaufort County, South Carolina, students who were without power or internet were given five days to complete their work and other considerations. This flexibility helps ensure students do not fall too far behind. It may even help students better manage stress and maintain their mental well-being."

  • Make strengthening rural roads a priority.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Rural schools funding bill fails in the U.S. House. The loss will 'create needless pain for rural communities.'

Superior High School in Mineral County, Montana. The county received nearly $900,000 in 2024
from the Secure Rural Schools bill. (Photo by Darrell Ehrlick, the Daily Montanan)

A lack of support in the U.S. House to fund a 20-year-old program will leave rural schools in 41 states without vital money. Western states will likely feel the pinch first. "For years, the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act has sent hundreds of millions of dollars to counties with federal land within their borders," reports Alex Baumhardt of The Daily Montanan. "In the West, the money has largely helped keep county and school budgets whole following reduced logging and a reduction in timber revenue."

Although the Senate reauthorized the bill in November, the House failed to find a compromise to keep the bill funded, and it died without a vote. "Democrat Ron Wyden, who co-authored the original bill in 2000 said the failure to approve the money will create needless pain for rural communities," Baumhardt writes. "Idaho Sen. Mike Crapo, a Republican who worked with Wyden to get the bill passed in the Senate, said he shared Wyden’s frustration."

In Oregon, the bill's funding goes to 30 of the state's 36 counties and "typically pays up to $80 million a year for schools and roads in Oregon along with wildfire prevention and conservation work. . . . Oregon has received $4 billion in funding from the bill in the last 24 years," Baumhardt reports. Other states also have received healthy chunks of support. In 2023, "12 counties in Alaska received $12.6 million; 34 counties in Idaho got $25 million; 32 counties in Montana received $16 million; and 25 counties in Washington state received about $18 million."

As the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, Crapo plans to revive the bill in early 2025. "He said he’ll push for the bill when he’ll take the reins of the committee under Republican control of the Senate," Baumhardt reports. "Wyden, now Finance Committee chair who will become the ranking member in 2025, said he’ll be pushing for passage, too."

Farmer income declines and U.S. government disaster payments begin; roughly $9.8 billion will be paid out

Approximately $9.8 billion will be paid out to farmers.
(FAPRI and RaFF map via Farm Journal)
As some U.S. farmers tally thousands of dollars in losses, the federal government has responded with disaster aid checks. "America has long provided subsidies to its farmers, dating back to the 1930s as a way to tackle rural poverty when a quarter of the population lived on farms," reports Patrick Thomas of The Wall Street Journal. "Today, subsidies largely come in the form of insurance. . . . Direct cash payments, while at times controversial, have been used to bolster farmers during agricultural downturns."

U.S. farmers have coped with declining profits and high input costs for the past two seasons. "Net farm income declined 4% this year to $141 billion after falling about 20% last year," Thomas explains. "Weaker prices for commodities such as soybeans and wheat have weighed on farmers’ earnings after growers in the U.S. and elsewhere reared big crops, swelling supplies. Their costs for essentials such as fertilizer and equipment are also higher."

Farm income woes will likely continue in 2025. Thomas reports, "Some of the world’s largest grain shippers and pesticide suppliers are girding for a shrinking farm economy by cutting costs or laying off workers. . . . [The] financial pain on the farm comes after one of the ag industry’s strongest runs on record. . . . In Iowa, the top corn-producing state, farmland values decreased by 3% this year, breaking a five-year streak of rising prices."

President-elect Donald Trump's pledged tariffs on Mexico and China may also hit farmers in the pocketbook. Both countries are "major importers of U.S. crops," Thomas writes. Still, many farmers "believe that Trump's policies may benefit the agricultural economy. . . . In 2018 and 2019, during Trump’s first term, about $23 billion in taxpayer money was paid to farmers to offset the impact of trade disruptions."

The current farm bill extension through Sept. 30 includes "$9.8 billion in market relief payments for 20 covered crops," reports Jim Wiesemeyer of Farm Journal. "According to an analysis by the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, the top 10 states based on estimated total payments for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, sorghum, rice, barley, oats, and peanuts are:
  • Texas: $963 million, primarily because of its status as the largest cotton producer
  • Iowa: $846 million, with strong support for corn and soybean farmers
  • Illinois: $790 million
  • Kansas: $787 million
  • Nebraska: $625 million
  • Minnesota: $616 million
  • North Dakota: $597 million
  • South Dakota: $497 million
  • Indiana: $400 million
  • Missouri: $391 million
To get more details on the American Relief Act of 2025, click here. To see the state and crop breakdown and what it means for U.S. farmers, click here.

Not enough child care spots pushes states to help care centers expand; some emphasis is on rural needs.

Helping child care centers expand means more
parents can stay on the job. (Adobe Stock photo)
The lack of available and affordable child care keeps many parents -- mostly women -- out of the U.S. workforce. The need for more spots has pushed state lawmakers to use novel strategies to help child care centers expand.

"Nationally, more than half of all Americans live in 'child care deserts,' and the need for child care is especially great among . . . low and middle-income families, families of color and families living in rural areas," reports Maggie Clark of Stateline. "A child care desert is a place where there are more than three children for every regulated child care spot."

The child care conundrum isn't just an issue for parents. The problem "costs the U.S. economy roughly $122 billion each year in lost earnings, productivity and revenue," Clark explains. "To create more child care slots and reduce prices, lawmakers are increasingly using economic development strategies to help child care businesses expand, similar to the support they’ve offered to attract and expand manufacturing facilities, technology startups or other types of businesses."

Advocates and lawmakers are particularly focused on addressing child care shortages in rural areas. Clark explains, "This year, Oregon is awarding its first batch of $50 million in grants and loans for new construction, expansion and renovation for child care businesses, with priority for child care providers in rural areas."

Lawmakers in Colorado, Nebraska, Oregon and Vermont had "local and state zoning regulations reviewed," Clark reports. They also "set up help centers where child care business owners can get help with navigating permitting and other business rules so that they can expand their businesses and care for more children, which will help more parents stay in the workforce."

States that are working to support child care businesses with infrastructure offerings that other sectors receive "send a powerful message that child care businesses and the people who operate them are valuable to their communities and economies," Clark writes.

Erin Roche, Vermont director of First Children’s Finance, which is helping the state administer its child care infrastructure grant program, told Clark, "It’s a lot about changing our cultural values of thinking of [child care centers] as businesses, and not just something little that mostly women do on the side."

Is the weather really abnormally cold? That depends on which years are used as a baseline for 'normal.'

When winter fills the air with cold and bone-chilling gusts, and ice and snow bow down even the sturdiest looking of evergreen branches, it's easy to think that the weather is so much colder than normal. But is it? Using what's "normal" compared to what isn't normal can be confusing. "While temperature forecasts are important to help people stay safe, the comparison to normal can be quit misleading," writes Richard B. Rood for The Conversation. "That’s because what qualifies as normal in forecasts has been changing rapidly over the years as the planet warms."

Who determines what normal temperatures are? "One of the most used standards for defining a science-based normal is a 30-year average of temperature and precipitation," Rood explains. "Every 10 years, the National Center for Environmental Information updates these normals, most recently in 2021."

Over the past century, the planet's temperatures have increased. Rood writes, "Because global temperatures are warming, what’s considered normal is warming, too. So, when a 2025 cold snap is reported as the difference between the actual temperature and normal, it will appear to be colder and more extreme than if it were compared to an earlier 30-year average."

How U.S. temperatures considered normal have changed over the decades. Each 30-year period is compared to the 20th-century average. (NOAA graphic via The Conversation)
To get a better picture of our warming planet, "NASA scientists use 1951-1980 as a baseline," Rood explains, "The reason becomes evident when you compare maps. For example, January 1994 was brutally cold east of the Rocky Mountains. If we compare those 1994 temperatures to today’s normal – the 1991-2020 period – the U.S. looks a lot like maps of early January 2025’s temperatures: Large parts of the Midwest and eastern U.S. were more than 7 degrees Fahrenheit below normal, and some areas were much colder. . . . But if we compare January 1994 to the 1951-1980 baseline instead, that cold spot in the eastern U.S. isn’t quite as large or extreme."

Despite global warming, cold air outbreaks will continue, "but as the Arctic and the rest of the planet warm, the most frigid temperatures of the past will become less common," Rood adds.

Free virtual discussion covering infrastructure investment opportunities for distressed rural places on Jan. 15

Pipa will be joined by Prof. Stephens, right, for
 discussion on infrastructure in rural places.
Chronic underinvestment in infrastructure plagues distressed rural communities throughout the United States. And while several programs offer solutions specifically for distressed places, these communities have to know what's available and how to apply.

To help, Brookings is hosting a a free virtual session: "Unlocking infrastructure investment in distressed rural places," on Wednesday, Jan. 15, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. E.T. Get the details here.

The session will be led by Tony Pipa, the host of Brookings' "Reimagine Rural" podcast, who will be joined by West Virginia University professor Heather Stephens. The two will talk with leaders of the Appalachian Regional Commission (Gayle Connelly Manchin), Delta Regional Authority (Dr. Corey Wiggins), and Northern Border Regional Commission (Chris Saunders) on the insights offered by an upcoming report from Brookings that tackles the ins and out of investment in distressed rural places.

The experts will share their experiences and thoughts on the best practices for directing investment to distressed rural places.

Viewers can submit questions for speakers by emailing or via X (Twitter) @BrookingsGlobal using #RuralInvestment.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Syringe exchange programs meant to slow HIV's alarming spread in West Virginia limited by political resistance

Photo by R. Konkathi, Unsplash
Despite federal recommendations and community efforts to stem HIV infections among opioid or methamphetamine users in central Appalachia, the disease continues to spread. Harm-reduction advocates and medical providers cite resistance to syringe exchange programs as the primary obstacle, reports Taylor Sisk of KFF Health News. "The situation likely hasn’t improved, in part because of politicians who contend that such programs encourage illegal drug use."

In 2021, West Virginia's HIV outbreak was particularly concerning to officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sisk writes, "The CDC’s HIV intervention chief called it 'the most concerning HIV outbreak in the United States and warned that the number of reported diagnoses could be just 'the tip of the iceberg.'" 

Rural areas without substance disorder treatment or disease education present a ripe breeding ground where HIV can spread undetected. Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Director Christine Teague "is concerned for West Virginia’s rural counties, most of which don’t have a syringe service program," Sisk adds. "Tasha Withrow, a harm reduction advocate in rural Putnam County, said her sense is that HIV numbers aren’t alarmingly high there but said that with little testing and heightened stigma in a rural community, it’s difficult to know."

Robin Pollini, a West Virginia University epidemiologist who conducts community-based research on injection drug use, told Sisk, “You would think that in a state that had the worst HIV outbreak in the country, we would have a statewide testing strategy." Sisk reports, "Teague would like every rural county to have a mobile unit. . . offering harm reduction supplies, medication, behavioral health care, counseling, referrals, and more."

While disease prevention through syringe exchange programs is well documented, the CDC's health warnings and recommendations for improved access to syringe exchanges have been largely ignored. Sisk reports, "In April 2021, the state legislature passed a bill limiting the number of syringes people could exchange and made it mandatory to present a West Virginia ID."

A made in the USA bicycle is in the works; maker hopes tariffs on Chinese imports will spur American production.

Guardian's USA-made children's bike is
still evolving. (Guardian graphic via WSJ)
Children’s bike maker Guardian Bikes moved its production from China to the U.S. intending to build its bikes with as many American-made parts as possible, reports Natasha Khan of The Wall Street Journal. The company's founder, Brian Riley, hopes "steep tariffs" on Chinese imports pledged by President-elect Donald Trump will make American-made bikes and parts more competitive.

Moving bicycle component production to the United States will still be tough partially because China has dominated the sector for decades. Riley knows the challenges and is still moving in that direction. Khan explains, "For now, components from China represent about 90% of the total cost of Guardian’s parts. By the end of next year, Riley hopes that figure will be about 20%. Guardian is starting production of its own bike frames. . . . As a result of Guardian’s new manufacturing, American-made parts could represent about 60% of the cost."

One of the reasons Riley moved his company to the United States was to build a "safer bike that could prevent the kind of head-over-heels braking accident that had injured his grandfather years earlier," Khan reports. "Many bikes sold at retailers such as Walmart or Target aren’t fully assembled when they are shipped to the retailers from overseas, so manufacturers don’t have oversight on the final assembly. Riley told Khan, "By controlling every aspect of production, we can guarantee the quality of every bike that rolls off our assembly line."

Riley admits that opening a U.S. factory was expensive and time-consuming. "At first, workers were slow to build the bikes, putting together 100 a day. It took time and constant tweaking of the assembly line to improve their speed and efficiency," Khan writes. Riley told her, "We had to bite the bullet. We had to be willing to lose money for a while to get to the other side of the strategy.”

The creation of Guardian's USA-made bike is evolving. "Guardian plans to begin making bike frames at the factory this year, using American steel. . . . Guardian is also considering making rims itself," Khan reports. "The bike maker has approached U.S. suppliers that could provide grips and reflectors."

Riley told Khan, "Everyone says making bikes here is impossible." Kahn adds, "His factory shows it isn’t."

Opinion: U.S. Postal Service should deliver mail, not profits. Privatization 'would be a nightmare for rural Americans.'

U.S. Postal Service history dates back to 1775. Its goal
was to deliver mail. (Photo by Joel Moysuh, Unsplash)
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy deployed plans to make the U.S. Postal Service profitable. But turning a profit isn't the point of mail delivery, write Tribune Phonograph editorial members Kris O’Leary and Brian Wilson. Service is the heart of the USPS, and its lack significantly impacts rural areas.

"The U.S Postal Service should focus on delivering the mail, not delivering a profit," they write. "Privatization of the postal service has been a dream for some who see the opportunity for profit, but it would be a nightmare for rural Americans who would see service cuts, additional delays and increasing costs. These would disproportionally impact rural residents simply due to the economics of having fewer potential customers over a wider area."

In many business ventures, privatization "can be a wonderful thing. . . . . It can bring about innovation. . . and the adoption of new efficiencies," O'Leary and Wilson add. "In a recent interview, President-elect Donald Trump broached the idea of revisiting privatization of the postal service as a potential goal. . . . Trump’s comments come at the same time that Postal Service leadership is under increased bipartisan scrutiny for spiraling increases in rates and ever-diminishing service standards."

In a December congressional hearing, members berated DeJoy for failing to meet service benchmarks and repeated upgrade delays. "Georgia Rep. Rich McCormick, a Republican, lambasted DeJoy," the editorial board writes, "leading to DeJoy covering his ears during the hearing." DeJoy defended his optimization strategies and said lawmaker interference could "end" the Postal Service.

However, profit-margin goals have little to do with the Postal Service's actual purpose. O'Leary and Wilson write, "DeJoy and other postal leadership have lost sight, if they ever had it, of the service that is at the core of the Postal Service. If DeJoy’s version of operational leadership and strategy were applied to highways, we would see interstates being turned into gravel roads."

If the U.S. postal service is privatized, its goal will become profits above all. "It will funnel off large city metro areas that can make money and drop rural areas that cover more land miles than people," O'Leary and Wilson add. "This is most of the U.S. population not living on either population-dense coast. The Midwest could lose any mail or package service if this becomes a reality. . ."

A historic first in Alaska may mean drilling in an untouched national refuge; Native Alaskans want a 'seat at the table.'

Map by Sarah Melotte, The Daily Yonder, from Bureau of Land
Management data. Click on map to enlarge.

Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is big, beautiful, and rich in natural resources and biodiversity. It has also been the "focal point of more than six decades of drilling controversy," which will come to a tentative resolution when tracts within the region's 19-million-acre expanse open for oil and gas leases this month, reports Sarah Melotte of The Daily Yonder. Native Alaskan communities want to be among the decision-makers for the coastal land that "is estimated to contain 11.8 billion barrels of recoverable oil."

Drilling in ANWR has never been done before. The region is home to "charismatic species like polar bears, wolves, and the caribou that are sacred to the Gwich’in, a Northwestern Alaska tribe," Melotte writes. "Oil and gas operations elicit mixed responses from Alaskan Natives. . . Some worry that drilling activity will hurt vulnerable wildlife and subsistence living, others say the oil and gas industry funds important infrastructure for their communities."

The coastal region, also known as the North Slope Borough, receives 95% of its total budget from oil and gas development taxation. Reservation members also depend on shareholder income regional corporations generate and pay out to Alaskan Natives. The Artic Slope Regional Corporation serves as an example. The company "has over 13,000 shareholders who receive dividends," Melotte notes. "Since its establishment in 1972, the ASRC has distributed more than $1 billion in dividends."

"Many leaders of the Iñupiat, an indigenous people native to Alaska’s North Slope Borough, say that oil and gas operations can be good for native communities if conducted responsibly," Melotte reports. Nagruk Harcharek, president of the Voice of the Arctic Iñupiat, a nonprofit organization that advocates for Alaska’s Iñupiat people, told Melotte, "Before oil and gas, you couldn't graduate high school and stay in the North Slope. Now there are K-12 schools in every North Slope village."

Harcharek used a past North Slope drilling project to help explain how Native Alaskans want to be included in drilling activity and practices. Melotte writes, "He said they were consulted 'early and often' in the decision-making process. . . . He said they want to be included before decisions are announced publicly."

Despite Alaska's rich natural resources, many Alaskan Natives live in poverty and still hunt for food, and drilling activities could interfere with their reliance on wild game. "Hunting is more than just a hobby in many native villages with high poverty rates," Melotte writes. "Hunting is a method of survival, said Dr. A.L. Lovecraft, professor of Political Science and director of the Center for Arctic Policy Studies at the University of Alaska. '[Drilling] also comes with all of this other baggage... Problems related to health, indoor health, indoor air quality, outdoor air quality.'"

Quick hits: Wallet-draining breakfast prices; the 'Walmart effect;' rural short story winner; bird flu stats; shouses

Photo by E. Aceron, Unsplash
Budget-busting beef with eggs and coffee breakfasts won't be cheaper anytime soon. "While commodities such as beef and eggs have long been volatile, others such as coffee have jumped in price more recently," report Patrick Thomas, David Uberti and Elizaveta Galkina of The Wall Street Journal. "Average prices for food at home rose in November by the largest annual pace in a year. . . . Store-bought ground [coffee] roasts have jumped 11% in price over the past year to an all-time high." In slightly less of a buzzkill, pork prices have remained steady, and "the average price of white bread is down around 3% over the past year."

Walmart's motto is "save money, live better," but oftentimes, that's not what happens to places after Walmart moves in. "New research suggests that the company makes the communities it operates in poorer — even taking into account its famous low prices," reports Rogé Karma for The Atlantic. "Walmart’s many defenders argue that the company is a boon to poor and middle-class families, who save thousands of dollars every year shopping there. . . .Two new research papers challenge that view." Read the research here.
Haworth's character, Michael, decides to venture home.
(Photo by Julian Scholl, Unsplash)

When one season of life ends, another begins -- or does it? Jeremy Haworth's short story "Blood Brother" explores Michael Riordan's path from retirement boredom to the uncertainty of going home. Haworth writes, "The sudden thought of home occurred to him. . . . Years had elapsed since he had crossed the threshold of the old farmstead. But the twinge in his chest told him time was shortening. The thought of death. . . an instinct to finally lay the ghosts of the past to rest. . ." Hadworth's story is the winner of the second annual “Best in Rural Writing Contest” presented by the rural literary journal The Milk House with support from The Daily Yonder.

The spread of bird flu or H5N1 in dairy cows has put many dairy farmers and consumers on edge. To help measure and mitigate the virus in cow herds, the Department of Agriculture rolled out mandated milk testing in December. The USDA is sharing its testing results with up-to-date graphics of confirmed bird flu cases, also called HPAI, found in U.S. herds. Over the past 30 days, testing found 182 new cases in two states. See the details here.

Shouses don't have to be small. This shouse is located in Okeana, a small unincorporated
community in rural Ohio. (Morton Buildings photo)

Rural landscapes have made room for country-living architecture that goes beyond barn-shaped homes and wood cabins. "Barndominiums" and "shouses" are dotting the countryside in surprising numbers. "Look carefully the next time you’re driving on the back roads of America, and you’re bound to spot a shouse — a hulking rectangular structure. . . . It could easily be mistaken for a machine shed," reports Dionne Searcey of The New York Times. "From the outside, shouses look a lot like the better-known barndominiums, or barndos for short. . . . It’s difficult to trace the genesis of shouses. . ."

'Fancy mechanic' Brienna Hall works for a company few have heard of doing work vital to maintaining all the tech in our lives. "The piece of equipment that the entire world has come to rely on — and Hall is specially trained to handle — is called an extreme ultraviolet lithography machine," reports Ben Cohen of The Wall Street Journal. "It’s the machine that produces the most advanced microchips on the planet . . . maybe the most remarkable thing about these invaluable machines is that they’re all made by the same company: ASML. . . . This one Dutch company is responsible for all of the EUV lithography systems that help make the chips in so many of your devices. Like your phone. And your computer. And your tablet. And your TV. Maybe even your car, too."

Friday, January 03, 2025

Goal-setting can be an important part of improving your news organization

Benjy Hamm
By Benjy Hamm
Director, Institute for Rural Journalism

January is a time when many people set new goals for themselves. There’s something about a new year or a milestone birthday that makes people think more about planning, goals and self-improvement.

Even if you’re not one to make personal New Year’s resolutions, you still should think about what goals you would like for your department or newspaper to accomplish in the coming year.

People who operate day to day -- or week to week as the case may be with weekly newspapers – often don’t take enough time to think about the larger, more important goals for themselves and their news organization.

In many years of working with newspapers and online news sites, I watched as the advertising, circulation and business departments set specific goals for each year and measured their performance against those goals. Newsrooms at larger news organizations sometimes did the same thing, but I found that journalists at smaller newspapers often were reluctant to set goals for various reasons.

The No. 1 reason they cited: News is unpredictable and priorities are determined by the news. Other times, journalists said they were uncomfortable with trying to measure goals for news coverage and other content, with fears of clunky story quotas or forced adherence to pre-determined plans.

Those concerns are understandable, but they should not lead to the alternative – no goal-setting or planning.

One of the primary differences between a good news organization and a great news organization is planning. Another key difference is the ability to set important goals and reach them.

When I worked at Landmark’s community newspaper division, we realized that many of the annual strategic plans from our newspapers left out the newsroom. So, we asked each newsroom to establish department goals that would lead to improvements for readers, the newspaper and online site, and the community.

The newsroom’s goals need to be tied to the overall goals of the organization. That seems obvious, but sometimes the newsroom’s goals conflicted with the goals of other departments. For example, one newsroom developed a plan to increase coverage of an adjoining community at the same time the advertising and circulation departments were reducing their efforts in that community because of poor sales.

That exposed a problem with internal communication, among other issues, but at least the fact that the newsroom wrote down its goals led to a fuller discussion about newspaper-wide strategies. And if you think that lack of communication only happens at larger news organizations, then you might be surprised to learn that it occurred at a smaller weekly newspaper.

Goals also need to be specific and, as much as possible, measurable. Everyone needs to understand how you will achieve your goals. A lot of businesses set goals based on the SMART concept – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-specific. Using the SMART approach forces you to focus on the most effective ways to achieve your goals, such as clearly identifying the goal (specific), determining how you will know if you reach the goal (measurable) and establishing deadlines (time-specific).

We found that people who are new to goal-setting tend to use vague words such as “more” instead of specific measures. For example, if your goal is to increase coverage of high school sports in your region because that’s important for your audience and helps to differentiate you from a competitor, then you might be tempted to write a goal to do more coverage beyond football and basketball. But what does “more” mean? How many stories are you doing now on those other sports? What types of additional stories would benefit your audience? How specifically do you plan to increase coverage?

One way to judge a goal is to ask how you will know if you reach or exceed it.

Goal-setting should begin with discussions about what your audience and potential audience need and want from you as a news organization. What are you already doing well? How can you improve?

Maybe you think the newspaper is not doing enough editorials on local issues. Set a goal that will focus your efforts to improve for 2025.

Let’s say you want to set a goal to have “more” names of community members in the newspaper next year, which is an annual goal for some community newspapers. To determine what more means, you’ll need to know how many were published in the past year. But maybe you don’t have enough time now to go back through the past 12 months of newspapers to determine your baseline. Instead, you can review recent newspapers and establish a goal above those numbers. Another possibility is to establish a minimum goal for each issue and increase that number over time.

The point, of course, is not simply to establish numerical goals – but to tie those goals into improving readership, engagement and circulation while establishing the news organization as the leading source for news and information in your community.

Our time is limited, so it’s essential to focus on the most important goals. In my experience, managers and journalists who don’t take time up front to establish goals often waste more time through the year unnecessarily as they get sidetracked by the all-too-many everyday distractions.

Benjy Hamm is director of the Institute for Rural Journalism, which is based at the University of Kentucky. He previously served as editorial director for Landmark Community Newspapers, as an editor for The New York Times Regional Newspaper Group and as a reporter and editor for The Associated Press.

Opinion: Jimmy Carter brought human rights to the forefront and 'made a lasting impact on the U.S. and the world'

Statue of Jimmy Carter outside the
Georgia State Capitol. (Adobe Stock photo)
Jimmy Carter was one of the few U.S. presidents in the past 50 years who grew up in a rural area. He was cherished by many Americans as a man of deep intelligence and wisdom who spent his life actively working to improve the lives of others. In her opinion for The New York Times, Samantha Power reminds readers of Carter's political and personal dedication to humankind. A selection of her thoughts is excerpted below.

"Jimmy Carter’s elevation of human rights in U.S. foreign policy offers many urgent lessons for today. . . . As president, he made a radical break with decades of foreign policy tradition, changed the world’s understanding of America’s aspirations, showed deep empathy for individuals who had suffered human rights abuse and, in so doing, made a lasting impact on both the United States and the world.

"As president, his foreign policy legacy. . . includes the negotiation of the Camp David Accords, which brought about an enduring peace between Israel and Egypt, and the establishment of diplomatic relations with China.

"Carter didn’t just change the way U.S. officials talked; he also changed the way they worked, taking steps no American president had taken. When he assumed office, the United States Agency for International Development had nearly twice as many staff members in Washington as in the field — an imbalance his administration corrected, in addition to significantly expanding the agency’s presence in sub-Saharan Africa.

"He issued Presidential Directive 30, which stipulated that 'countries with a good or substantially improving record of human rights observance will be given special consideration in the allocation of U.S. foreign assistance, just as countries with a poor or deteriorating record will receive less favorable consideration.'

"Carter was the first U.S. president to publicly denounce apartheid in South Africa and the first to make a state visit to sub-Saharan Africa. . . . He was the first president to assert clear American support for a 'Palestinian homeland.' . . . He was the first American president to elevate environmental conservation to a global concern.

"He became president after public trust in government had plunged. More than 70% of Americans believed the Vietnam War was not just a mistake but was 'fundamentally wrong and immoral.' He viewed his embrace of human rights as a means of restoring faith in America.

"As we mourn the loss of Jimmy Carter, we should remember that in doing something so radical for his time — elevating attention to the plight and dignity of individuals in U.S. foreign policy and then living those values until his final days — he changed our world for good."

Samantha Power is the administrator of the United States Agency for International Development.