The tour will be "a series of discussions on how communities, states, and the federal government can work together to help strengthen rural America," a White House news release said. It will include three more stops in July, three in August and two in late September. Other secretaries listed as participating are Steven Chu, energy; Shaun Donovan, housing and urban development; Arne Duncan, education; Ray LaHood, transportation, Ken Salazar, interior; Kathleen Sebelius, health and human services; Eric Shinseki, veterans affairs; and Hilda Solis, labor. "Vilsack will hold listening sessions in additional states with local and state elected officials," the release said.
Conspicuous by his absence is the president himself, who broke his Iowa campaign promise to hold a rural summit in the first 100 days of his administration. Nevertheless, he included himself when he said yesterday, “We’re going out to hear directly from the people of rural America about their needs and concerns and what my administration can do to support them.” Events have been scheduled in Alaska, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin. For the release, with cities and dates, click here.
UPDATE, July 1: Vilsack is the leader of the tour, scheduled to make every stop. He writes on the Rural Tour Blog, "I want to listen to the thoughts, concerns and stories about each community’s vision for its future. We will collect ideas about how the USDA could be better serving these communities." The Daily Yonder says, "We at the Yonder wonder why elected officials feel like a visit to any community outside a city should be called a 'tour'? Isn’t a tour for tourists? And for politicians, why is it now always a 'listening tour'?" (Read more)
On the Appalnet list-serve for Appalachian issues, West Virginia native Brad Woods, a doctoral student in rural sociology at Penn State, writes, "I find it odd (and disturbing) that central Appalachia," particularly West Virginia and Kentucky, are not part of the tour, "especially given the climate and concern about natural resources." Lee Mueller, former Eastern Kentucky reporter for the Lexington Herald-Leader, replied, "One way to find yourself absent from an office-holder's post-election discussions is to vote against him. If you listen closely, that flapping sound you hear is a chicken coming home to roost in West Virginia and Kentucky," which John McCain carried strongly.
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