Friday, September 05, 2014

Interactive tool shows county-level migration data

Where did people living in your county move from, and where did those who left go? Emily Badger of The Washington Post reports about updated county-level migration maps with information from 2008-2012 through Census Flows Mapper.

The U.S. Census Bureau data looks at county-to-county flows, as well as breaking down migration patterns by employment status. For example, Kanawha County, West Virginia, (below) had a population of 190,764 in 2012, with 3,871 people moving to the county from another state and 4,124 leaving for another state. At the same time 4,235 West Virginians moved from another county to Kanawha County, while 4,091 moved to a different county within the state. Also, 347 people moved to the county from outside the U.S. To view the maps, click here.

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