Monday, March 21, 2022

County official tries to buy paper investigating him; publisher says 'No!' via 2-page spread with readers' aghast comments

Two-page spread in the Malheur Enterprise turning down local and state official
Greg Smith's offer to buy the paper that's investigating him. Click image to enlarge.
The award-winning Malheur Enterprise in Vale, Oregon, is up for sale, but Editor and Publisher Les Zaitz isn't about to sell his family's weekly to the official the paper has been investigating. Under the terms offered by county Economic Development Director Greg Smith, all six of the paper's employees would lose their jobs.

Zaitz rejected the unsolicited bid in style: He invited readers to share their thoughts about Smith taking over, then published them in a two-page spread headed "GREG SMITH: NO DEAL."

Readers said they did not want the paper in hands of Smith, who is also a state legislator ("Please tell Greg Smith to pound sand. Thanks!"), and many implored Zaitz not to sell at all, praising the Enterprise's high-quality, in-depth community reporting. "We need this paper!" one reader wrote. "Truth and investigative reporting is the backbone of keeping law breakers and swindlers in check. Please don’t stop. The good ol' boys need someone who watches their backhanded dealings. Spending the taxpayers' money and making new rules to serve their interests or a select few. Who else but the reporter to view and publish meetings and events we can’t attend and keep us informed. Keep up the good work!"

Zaitz thanked readers for their support, and said in an email: "We remain committed to give Malheur County unflinching reporting that tells the truth, holds the powerful accountable and celebrates the great things about living here."

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