Friday, September 06, 2024

American Heart Association offers travel stipends for journalists and freelance writers to attend scientific meetings

The American Heart Association is offering travel stipends for journalists and freelance writers who would benefit from attending eligible American Heart Association scientific meetings.

Each stipend will be $2,500 for travel-related expenses such as airfare, ground transportation/parking, on-site meals and hotel accommodations.

  • Open to U.S. resident freelance writers who qualify for embargoed access to the American Heart Association’s news material.
  • Applicants must provide three (3) original bylined news articles/clip links published by an accredited national or top 25 Nielsen market media outlet within the prior six (6) months covering health/science/medical topics.
  • Applicants may not have attended an American Heart Association scientific conference in person (or via video conference) in the past two years.
  • Priority will be given to applicants who have been journalists for five (5) years or less, and/or those who self-identify as members of traditionally under-resourced communities/racial/ethnic minority groups, and/or groups that are professionally underrepresented in the sciences.
  • Journalists are welcome to apply to attend multiple association conferences but are only eligible to receive one stipend each year.
To learn more, click here. To apply, click here.

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