"North Dakota had the highest number of spills last year, 1,129, and one of its dominant producers, Continental Resources Inc., had more reported spills than any other company," Soraghan reports. "But industry officials say that's likely because companies in North Dakota have to report more spills than in other states. In North Dakota, they have to report any spill of more than 1 barrel (42 gallons). In Texas, the threshold is five barrels. And in Oklahoma and Montana, it's 10 barrels." States such as Colorado, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania often exclude spill amounts in reports.
North Dakota officials said nearly 80 percent of the state's spills were contained to the well site, while Utah companies reported that 78 percent were contained, and only 38 percent were contained in Colorado, Soraghan reports. Continental had the most reported spills, 233, with 90 of those being less than five barrels. Occidental Petroleum had the second-highest with 207, followed by BP PLC with 190, XTO and Exxon Mobil with a combined 172, and COG Operating at 122. (Read more)
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