The case got wide media coverage and Internet comment, including speculation that Sparkman was killed out of hatred of the federal government, the longtime enemy of marijuana growers that contribute heavily to southeastern Kentucky's poor economy -- and that more recently has become the adversary of local officials and political supporters snared in a Department of Justice corruption investigation. Liberal commenters "were trying to turn Bill Sparkman into a sacrificial lamb for ObamaCare," Manchester Enterprise editor Morgan Bowling told Robert Stacy McCain of The American Spectator, a conservative publication.
Sparkman's alleged ruse worked well "in a media environment where the public seems to prefer ideology, opinion, speculation and outrage over fact and reason," Herald-Leader columnist Tom Eblen writes. "Hateful and irresponsible speech comes from the political left as well as the right. Until the public rediscovers the difference between news and entertainment, journalism and advocacy, people like Bill Sparkman will continue playing the talking heads for fools." Estep reports, "Many people felt the speculation and coverage of the death played on Appalachian stereotypes and gave Clay County an undeserved black eye," Estep reports, and state Senate Majority Leader Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, said many in the news media owe the county an apology.

Police said there was no evidence of a struggle and "FED" was written from bottom to top, indicating that Sparkman wrote it. His hands were bound with duct tape, but loosely enough to allow him to create without help the conditions found at the scene. A cancer survivor, Sparkman told a friend he believed the disease had returned and he would die. However, there was no physical evidence of that. "He had significant debt and didn't have a full-time job," Estep reports, citing State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski, commander of the London post.
"Sparkman’s son, Josh, had questioned previous reports his father may have committed suicide," reports Ronnie Ellis of CNHI News Service. "Rudzinski said investigators met with Josh Sparkman who she said 'understands why we waited as long as we did' to announce the results of their investigation. 'Our hearts go out to him,' she said."
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