Monday, May 21, 2012

Healthy foods are not necessarily more expensive than unhealthy ones, USDA study explains

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released a report stating that healthier foods aren't necessarily more expensive than unhealthy foods. The costs per calorie of fruits, vegetables and dairy products is higher than those of healthier foods, but when figured by weight or average portion size, healthier foods cost about the same as foods high in sodium, added sugars or fat, according to the report.

Economic Research Service researchers categorized more than 4,000 foods into one of the USDA food groups, mixed dishes or "less healthy" food. Less healthy foods included canned foods, fruit-flavored yogurt and soda. "We found that the price measure used has a large effect on which foods are more expensive," the researchers wrote. For a report from Lisa Keefe of Meatingplace, click here.

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