Wednesday, September 20, 2023

National Farmer's Day is Oct. 12; recognizes U.S. farmers for the food and fiber they produce, and role in economy

National Farmer’s Day is Oct.12, a day set aside to honor and thank U.S. farmers who spend long days planning, fertilizing, plowing, planting and harvesting our food. While only 2% of our population are farmers, that 2% feeds America and countries far beyond its borders. Farmers’ contribution to the economy extends well beyond food --  farmers keep many other industries alive, including transportation, grocery services, pharmaceuticals, forestry and fisheries.

Paying tribute to your local farmer can be as simple as a personal thank you at your local orchard or farmers market, making a donation to your local Future Farmers of America chapter, or taking out a "Thank You" ad in your community newspaper.

Supporters of the event say where and how you shop can also help local farmers:

  • Buy fruits and vegetables from farmers markets. You may be able to meet the local farmers who grow your food while picking up the freshest produce, eggs, and meat. A farmers markets directory is here.
  • Visit pick-your-own farms. They offer everything from vegetables to apples to pumpkins. Pick-your-own flower farms are also popular in many towns. Find a pick-your-own farm in your area.
  • Consider joining a community-supported agriculture farm share next year. As a CSA member, you will receive a basket of freshly picked food every week for a true farm-to-table experience. Find a local CSA.
  • Look out for local small-town festivals. By attending everything from persimmon festivals to pawpaw festivals to garlic festivals, you’re supporting farming communities.

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