Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Surveys show conservative voters in rural areas oppose more military aid to Ukraine

The support for military aid to Ukraine has dropped dramatically among conservative Americans in rural areas, reports Brian Mann of NPR.

The lack of support, including from top candidates for the GOP presidential nomination, could jeopardize continued funding from the United States.

“U.S. support for the country totals more than $100 billion so far and is a lifeline for the embattled country after Russia's brutal invasion last year,” Mann writes.

But many conservatives think the funding should be cut significantly or stopped.

According to Mann, “Overall, polls show American support for financial aid and weapons for Ukraine remains strong. But surveys conducted over the past year show a major shift among Republicans.

A Pew survey in May 2022 found only 17% of GOP voters thought the Biden administration was doing too much to help Ukraine. But a CNN poll released this month found 76% of self-described conservatives now oppose further aid.”

According to Mann’s report, “Military and foreign policy experts say halting U.S. aid would make it nearly impossible for Ukrainians to defend themselves and also would signal a lack of American resolve in defending a key ally.

“But many small town voters interviewed by NPR said those aren't their top concerns. They want politicians to focus money and energy on problems closer to home.”

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